Digitization Requires A New Generation Of IT

Digitization is not simply a leap toward the most innovative technologies. It requires both new methods and platforms aligned with different needs than usual. And also partners with very transversal skills. The critical message of digital transformation sometimes appears very simple. First and foremost, the cloud is the best way to make your IT resilient and responsive. The second aspect is no less critical: data is the raw material to modernize one’s business models. And then, hopefully, create entirely new ones. And more profitable. 

The two concepts are only apparently simple, as is logical. Conclusion: Many technical and methodical questions must be carefully considered and not trivial. In essence, companies face many questions that they do not necessarily know how to answer. And in some ways, they don’t even have to feel compelled to do so. Because their core business is not technology, even if digitization requires companies to know, experiment, and assimilate many new technologies, otherwise, it is difficult, if not impossible, to truly make them your own. Or refuse them, but consciously. 

For example, migrating to the cloud is not a simple “leap” from the on-premise to the cloud. The cloud is undoubtedly a means to bring new agility to business. But it is also a journey that every company must take on its way, starting from its characteristics and needs. And which is made up of many small complementary “jumps,” not all of which can be defined a priori. These are other questions that companies ask themselves. For example, is it better to bring the applications you have to the cloud or create new ones? How can the next steps of cloud services be integrated into your IT? 

And how do its processes need to change to make the most of cloud and multi-cloud? One of the main messages that cloud companies are sending out is that the evolution of the cloud is a long way. And it requires skills, strategy, and the explicit commitment of the whole company. Starting from the management and not limiting itself to the more technical part. Which, moreover, is faced with less methodical and more precise issues that are just as complex. You connect more and more often to the topic of data, its quality, and availability. If we accept that data is the indispensable foundation for companies’ business processes, then any disruption in data availability is a critical problem for businesses. 

It is somewhat the consequence of the much-cited metaphor of data as “the new oil.” Without gasoline, a car does not go on. Having quality data (which “paint” a faithful portrait of the elements connected to business processes), protecting them, and ensuring their constant availability is also a matter of technology. First of all, it is necessary to rethink the overall management of information and equip oneself with platforms and the most suitable products. Which ideally include high-performance hardware, advanced and automation-oriented management systems, and components at all levels optimized for the most demanding applications. 

Some companies prefer to deal independently with all their digitization’s technical and methodological aspects. It is not a road for everyone. This is why, in general, market operators try to present themselves as broad-spectrum interlocutors towards companies. The critical point is whether they can bring skills to all possible levels of Digital Transformation. It then makes use of its historical skills in the storage field, proposing platforms – such as the systems of the Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform (VSP) line – and specific products – such as the VSP 5000 arrays – designed to give all the characteristics necessary to enable new digital processes. . And all this without adding complexity to the work of the IT staff.

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