HomeBUSINESSEdge Computing: Retailers Win With Centralized Data Storage

Edge Computing: Retailers Win With Centralized Data Storage

Online trading is booming and growing every year. As a result, retailers face enormous challenges in retaining their customers. With intelligent technologies, they create a digital milestone. One success factor is what is known as edge computing, the basis of which is centralized data storage on-site in the branch.

Together with our customers, we are currently discovering countless ways to use edge computing to strengthen their bond with their customers and thus their market position. The expectations of retail customers have changed significantly in recent years.

The demands on the quality of the products and the correct price-performance ratio are still of central importance. But for many, the price is no longer the sole selling point. In the meantime, sustainability and environmental awareness are catching up in the race for customer favour.

The Price Is Not Everything

Our experience: This is precisely where retailers can score points compared to pure online providers. The same applies to the intelligent, individualized customer approach. However, the retailer needs access to all relevant (customer) data from the branch to do this. Many retailers overlook the opportunities offered by the digital here. 

Fundamental analysis of the initial situation, clear objectives, and intelligent IT help you to see and use your potential. In addition, retailers need a modern IT infrastructure that can be scaled as the number of branches grows and at the same time makes the load of the higher amounts of data manageable.

Innovative IT Creates A Competitive Advantage

When we talk about innovative IT, we mean modern edge computing solutions ( such as our Store Butler ): With their help, chain stores can collect all the data relevant to them centrally in the branch and make it usable for additional functions and services. There are many exciting fields of application, especially in stationary retail. One use case is, for example, zero waste management (waste avoidance), which contributes to the sustainability requirements of customers.

The best practice here: automatically discounting foods that are about to expire by the best-before date and informing the customer about this – ideally individually and via their preferred contact method. As a result, the retailer is pleased about a noticeable increase in sales. At the same time, he can be convinced in the area of ​​sustainability.

Retailers Benefit From Edge Computing

  1. Strong customer loyalty
  2. Price and discount campaigns can be implemented in real-time
  3. Concepts such as zero waste management are easy to use
  4. Individual customer approach
  5. Increase in sales
  6. Simplified administrative processes
  7. Fast installation

The Next Level

Edge computing solutions can play their trump cards not only in the areas of sustainability and environmental awareness. For example, in conjunction with electronic price tags (ESL), retailers have a wide range of options for targeting customers in everyday life. For example, individual price reductions or regularly recurring discounts can be effortlessly brought directly to the shelf at certain times of the day at the push of a button. 

With such modern technologies, the relationship between retailers and customers can easily reach the next level: retailers create a new atmosphere by making the shopping experience more exciting. The connection is much more intense than before, and the shopping experience is more personal. And the visit to the branch on-site becomes an event,

Another plus point: Edge computing simplifies the administration of a branch enormously. Administrative data is available in real-time. For example, at the push of a button, the retailer can immediately see the number of customers in the store and can easily control the entrance via displays.

Digital Branch Increases Sales And Generates Competitive Advantages

It shows: In competition with one another and with pure online trading, retailers strengthen their position by using edge computing solutions. Existing and new customers appreciate the digital possibilities. Ultimately, everyone benefits from innovative IT: the environment, customers and chain stores – thanks to falling costs and increasing sales.

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