How To Make Your Car Smart: A Practical Guide

Thanks to specific devices and apps, even an old vehicle can turn into an innovative and connected car. By definition, smart cars bring together two macro-categories of “performance.” On the one hand, they are vehicles equipped with more or less developed driver assistance systems. On the other hand, they are cars connected to the network, like smartphones or computers.

The smart car is, therefore, an intelligent car in all respects: a car capable of helping the driver from many different points of view. Especially considering that 5G will further raise the bar of available services in the not too distant future. Already today, several production companies are making state-of-the-art smart car models. At the same time, however, alternative routes exist to transform even an old vehicle into a smart car. A user can learn how to make the most of Bluetooth and install unique apps on their smartphone. And again, it can buy various types of smart devices: from head-up displays to Amazon Echo Auto.

Use A Bluetooth System

The first way to make your car a smart car is to use the possibilities offered by Bluetooth fully. This data transmission standard makes it possible to connect various devices to a car, starting from the smartphone. Once the smartphone is connected to the car radio (or to the onboard computer), the user can take advantage of a whole series of advantages and services. For example, it can play multimedia content directly from the speakers of its “new” smart car.

Likewise, it can use the speakers to hear the navigator’s directions better or perhaps to listen to the audio of a phone call. In this case, however, it should be remembered that the input microphone used could remain that of the smartphone. In conclusion, it is essential to underline that it is possible to use a Bluetooth system even if the car is not predisposed. Many different adapters can be connected to the car radio via AUX cable or USB port.

Purchase A Head-Up Display

Buying a head-up display is another great way to turn a simple vehicle into a smart car. The head-up display, literally “display with your head held high,” is a device designed to improve the driving experience and, at the same time, to make it safer. Using a head-up display helps the driver keep all the information he needs under control without taking his eyes off the road. The head-up display generates images that are projected directly onto the windscreen.

Therefore, we are talking about an augmented reality device capable of providing the most disparate data and services: from cruising speed to the presence of any limits in force and the possibility of selecting a piece of music to follow the map and the navigator. The head-up displays are already present inside the latest generation of smart cars. Alternatively, purchasing a separate device, which will be managed directly from the smartphone, is still possible.

Choose The Right App

To stay on the smartphone theme, it should also be emphasized that, nowadays, many different applications are designed to be used on board a car. Apps that sometimes allow you to replicate some typical features of a modern intelligent car. From this point of view, CarOS is undoubtedly one of Apple users’ most popular smart cars -themed apps.

Carlos has a very easy-to-use interface, allowing you to reach many functions quickly and effectively: from managing phone calls to sending messages or choosing a radio station to searching for places and points of interest using the navigator. Another performing app is smart hud, which allows you to transform your smartphone into a portable head-up display. With smart hud, the driver can check information on cruising speed and any applicable limits and access data relating to distances to be covered and even external weather conditions.

Amazon Echo Auto Vs Android Auto

If we talk about applications and devices capable of making one’s car become “intelligent,” it is impossible not to mention Amazon Echo Auto and Android Auto. Amazon Echo Auto is a device that can be mounted inside specific car models. A peripheral configured through the Alexa app for smartphones turns into a bridge with the car speakers.

Speakers to which it can be connected both via Bluetooth and via an AUX cable. Android Auto, on the other hand, is an application that, as the name suggests, is available on the Play Store for many different models of Android smartphones. Android Auto also allows you to interface directly with the dashboard of a smart car, as long as the car model is compatible.

Smart Car And 5G

In all likelihood, the development of 5G networks will allow us to take the smart car concept to the next level. The new ultra-fast bands promise a browsing speed never seen before and will be essential to make the continuous data exchange between devices possible. Thanks to 5G, a smart car can receive and send information in real-time. 

It can automatically suggest specific routes based on the traffic data received. It will even be able to “know” the status of the individual traffic lights present along the route. 5G will not just make devices like the head-up display or the Amazon Echo Auto much more functional. Ultra-fast connectivity brings enormous possibilities: possibilities capable of revolutionizing the world of automotive and mobility.

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