You never become a customer by chance. Any act of purchase, even the most trivial, is the result of an elaborate process that takes place over a period ranging from a few minutes (“It’s raining; quickly, an umbrella”) to several years (“It’s going to need to replace the old generation of nuclear power plants”). With a few exceptions, this process is always the same. We must make ourselves known to our future customers and then, in return, give ourselves the means to (re)know them to be able to address them.
There are the famous leads that marketing must, like a gold digger, pass through a sieve, to extract the nuggets from the matrix that surrounds them (lead generation) and that commerce must shape to transform them into customers (customer generation). We push an open door by writing that lead generation is an essential component of CRM. Yet, less than a quarter of CRM projects address this issue and integrate the tools, data, and control indicators necessary to formalize and automate it.
But this is expensive, and each new resource assigned to this task is mechanically less productive than the previous one. Each lead’s production cost is slightly higher than the previous one.
The prospecting activity often starts with the purchase or rental of files. In terms of CRM, this imposes the following functions: The presence of an advanced external file import tool allows the processing of very diverse file formats:
The management of each data of its source or its origin allows later to carry out a follow-up of the purchased files and to calculate:
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Once the file has been acquired, it must be used. For this, the company will implement scripting tools in its CRM. Their use is often criticized as it is sometimes misused.
There are also many lead buying platforms, but it must be recognized that the quality is generally far from satisfactory and that the prices and commitments requested by the service providers are often exorbitant. It should also be noted that once the lead has been purchased, there is generally little time to validate its consistency.
Using it in moderation can turn into a false good idea. We will focus on taking care of the messages and targeting more rather than multiplying the number numbers, which often leads to an increase in the number oNumberbscribes. It is much better to send two targeted e-mailings, each covering 50% of the base, than two general e-mailings covering the entire base.
We frequently read that clients are the organization’s spokespersons. They have a more potent force of conviction than the business since they are not decided as one-sided, and their mediation will have more weight and believability. These clients fundamentally know other potential chiefs. This social limit is, in many cases, the under-took advantage of the organization. We will zero in here on two critical functionalities: the administration of relational connections (who can say for sure who?) and the capacity to connect a lead to a client.
CRM apparatuses often have the option to interface with person-to-person communication devices. It’s trusting simultaneously. It fails to remember that CRM is essentially an informal organization device. Why search somewhere else for what exists here? The degree of organizing these connections should be adjusted to the kind of offer of the organization. Assume it involves short and normalized processes or a more drawn-out and unambiguous methodology. We will adjust the accuracy of the connections similarly as we adjust the planning of the client’s making framework.
If “purchaser,” “pay, “pres,” or”er” are sufficient in primary cases, a complete dynamic plan is fundamental for project-type deals. Given (and it is fundamental) that the degree of accuracy mentioned relates well with the sort of offer of the organization, the work expected to structure relational connections is much lower than the advantage that the organization will get from it. At last, in computing the scoring of the conversationalists, and as long as we have guaranteed the capacity to connect a lead to its initiator, the Number of numbers given is a component to be thought of.
As we have seen in the section devoted to non-media, each domain has its influencers, gurus, and opinion leaders whose word carries. Among these, there are, of course, the journalists. From blogs to bookstores, from forums to interviews in the press, they have the advantage of being easy to identify. Too often, this area is still excluded (or forgotten) from CRM projects when it should be given an important place. Communication must be integrated into the CRM, and influencers must be managed with the same rigor in Customer Relations. Suppose specific sectors of activity relying heavily on prescription have understood this (the construction industry in particular). In that case, this is not yet far from the general case, and that is a shame.
Many companies are barely visible on the Internet. Being well-referenced on the leading generalist and specialized search engines (yes, there is life outside of Google) is a matter for professionals who boost the company’s visibility for a few thousand euros.
Finally, we should not forget that in this commercial equation (Generation and transformation of a lead into a customer), there are three parameters:
The well-thought-out implementation of CRM allows the industrialization of lead processing processes and, therefore, a reduction in the sales cycle and an increase in the conversion rate. Increasing numbers are undoubtedly essential, but we should not forget that this is not the only parameter to play with. This optimization potential induced by the industrialization of lead generation processes and its very beneficial consequences on the ability to transform leads is often overlooked.
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