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LinkedIn, Tricks To Make The Most Of It

How to optimally use the functions of the social network of professions to make yourself known on the Net. It is the leading professional social network. In 2021, it reached 722 million users in the over 200 countries where it is present. LinkedIn is a weapon increasingly used in the world of work, both for those looking for a job or already in a position and for companies, which use it to recruit staff and enter their applications. But how to make the most of this powerful tool? Here are a dozen valuable tips.

Improve The Effectiveness Of Your Profile

All members have access to a profile representing their “business card” in the LinkedIn world. Here are entered personal information, such as personal data and interests, and work, i.e., the CV with the details of their training and positions held currently and in the past. On the right, a box with a circle indicates the effectiveness of our profile: the more the profile is complete and visible, the more the circle turns blue. 

What does it mean to make a profile effective? It means enriching it with all the most significant work experiences and “making it circulate” on other social networks, sharing it via Facebook, Twitter, and blog, and inviting users to visit it. In the “story” of one’s working life, always being as straightforward and sincere as possible is essential.

Include Effective Keywords In Your Profile

It is beneficial to include appropriate keywords in the profile that identify us: who we are, what we do, and our added value in the job market. The keywords are used to place our name at the top of the internal search engine, used by recruiters or other users looking for interesting profiles.

Also, Add Contacts You Don’t Know

LinkedIn presents connections of three different levels, which create a network: next to the first degree connections, which correspond to the direct contacts of the user (friends, colleagues and former colleagues, old school or university friends), there are other two types, second and third-degree respectively. The first is the connections of the first-level contacts. 

The third-degree connections, on the other hand, are the connections of the second-degree connections. To improve our presence on the social network, it would be preferable to add people we know directly or with whom we have had to do during our working life and second and third-degree connections, which can help spread our name to our curriculum.

Invite To Use LinkedIn

The social network has a feature that allows you to import addresses from the e-mail address book. In this way, the system automatically invites contacts to connect with us also on LinkedIn.

Recommend Your Contacts

There is also a space dedicated to reports or “recommendations” from people who have worked with us on our profile. A good starting point to get our LinkedIn connections to talk about us is to make the “first move” and write a recommendation to other contacts that we particularly value. Others are very likely to do the same. 

Join industry groups Among the main tools of LinkedIn interaction between us. The “outside world” are virtual “arenas” where connections that carry out the same profession or have common interests exchange opinions and discuss job offers. Being an active member of a group is a way to increase your visibility and make yourself known to others.

Show Off If You Are Looking For A Job

If you are looking for a job, you can show off in the eyes of the recruiters on the platform. In a few steps, our page can become a springboard for the future by clarifying the types of job opportunities you are interested in. From our profile, we can add the words “Available to work,” which will allow recruiters to get noticed. 

The #The OpenToWork function is activated by clicking on the You icon at the top of the LinkedIn homepage, then clicking on the Add section to profile button (located to the right of your image)> Presentation> Looking for job opportunities. In the popup window, you can enter all the specifications necessary to be found by the recruiters and, if you choose to share the search with all contacts (and not just recruiters), you can also add the photo frame to your profile photo with the hashtag created for the occasion.

Consult The News

A helpful feature to stay up to date on the world of work is news: with a team of over 75 editors in 15 countries, the platform can create and curate content by creating posts, articles, and business-related news. To major current events to always have a keen eye on what is happening in the world. Keeping yourself informed and participating in the conversations that arise on the wave of shared information is a great way to build a reputation on social media and get noticed by people from all types of sectors.

The information is available both on the homepage, in the box in the right column called “LinkedIn News,” and as notifications, automatically presented among those relating to the interaction with other contacts or visits to our profile, once the HTTPS page has been followed. : //www.linkedin.com/showcase/linkedin-news/. Letting them slip away would be a missed opportunity. Better keep an eye on them and interact when the conversation gets interesting. 

Being proactive is a trump card, both online and in life. From the “other” section on our profile, each user can organize an event and, of course, invite other connections. These are opportunities to be seized on the fly to make people talk about themselves and encourage interaction with other LinkedIn contacts. 

Take Advantage Of Your Updates

Just as we have the opportunity to read other people’s news, so too can we post status updates, news, research, and links to blogs and social networks through LinkedIn. What we write and, in this case, publish helps to circulate our name. Positively or negatively, it mostly depends on us. In addition to the canonical format, Stories can also be used. Like what already happens on other social networks, LinkedIn also allows you to publish short videos lasting 20 seconds on the topics of most significant interest to the user. 

Learning to exploit this tool well can allow you to reach an even wider audience beyond the typical one that usually scrolls the timeline to read the leading communications. Doing so is simple: to proceed with the registration, you need to use the mobile application, available for iOS and Android. Once entered, click on your image in the bar below the search or image in the circle with the + symbol at the bottom right to register or upload the video file already created in portrait format (i.e., vertical). 

Once uploaded, our first-degree contacts will be able to see it for the next 24 hours, and we will be able to analyze the insights (statistics) of viewing. A starting point? Answer the “Question of the day” in the Stickers section. Add the sticker and start the conversation with the other users.

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