Online Marketing: 5 Tips On How To Rank High In 2023

Just like sparkling wine, New Year’s resolutions are part of the turn of the year, so many entrepreneurs and self-employed people, for example, plan to be more present on the web to stand out from the competition. “In today’s age, we constantly communicate via our smartphones and make decisions about a company and its services or products based on its online presence,” and adds: “Online marketing can help here, to remain competitive and to win new customers.« The online marketing specialist lists five tips that help to become more visible on the web.

The Key To Success: Keywords

Search engine optimization, abbreviated SEO (Search Engine Optimization), proves to be an essential measure for fulfilling resolutions. Keywords play a crucial role in this – keywords that can be used to find a website. Some keywords are often entered into the search engine, others relatively rarely. It is necessary to determine which keywords exist around the topic and how often they are used. Research tools such as,, or Google Trends support the search. Keyword research also includes analyzing the strengths of the company and the goals and problems of the target group and the competition. 

Add Value To Readers With Unique Content

After successful research, the keywords may be used accordingly in the text – especially in the headlines. Short headings with individual keywords and synonyms ensure a varied text structure and allow users to scan the content. I also recommend using several subheadings if there is a lot of content, to make it easier to comprehend the text,”. In addition to the head keywords, the long-tail keywords, often two to three long words, may also appear. The advantage: users who enter long-tail keywords in the search engines usually look for something specific and are more interested in buying, which is why the conversion rate is higher than with head keywords. 

Positive User Experience Through Page Speed

The content of an article can be as good as it gets – but if the website loads for too long, users quickly lose interest. The loading speed must first be determined to avoid this problem, and large files such as graphics, logos, photos, and illustrations must be reduced. Not easy with so much data, and programs like GNU zip prove to be very helpful by allowing the data to shrink. But tools like Google PageSpeed ​​​​can also evaluate the loading speed and suggest improvements, giving users a positive experience. 

Score With SEO On Youtube

The video portal YouTube also has a fast loading time. This vast platform is the second most visited website in the world after Google – more than a billion people spend several hours on YouTube daily. Entrepreneurs can also use the video platform to present themselves personally and reach the target group. But the competition never sleeps, and the same applies here: if you want to attract attention, you should only do SEO. Unlike Google, YouTube does not have any keyword tools; instead, there are suggestion functions that can be used to research essential keyword combinations. The main keywords should then be used in the file name, title, and descriptions. 

Successful Ad Placement Via Google Ads

An enormous reach can also be achieved with search engine advertising, also known as SEA (Search Engine Advertising). In contrast to search engine optimization, where results can only be noticed after a long period of continuous work, search engine advertising immediately increases visibility and traffic – for example, with ad placements via Google Ads. Entrepreneurs upload essential information about their products and services, and Google creates corresponding ads. Based on the given data and the search query, Google users are presented with exactly what they are looking for. The purchasing process can thus be simplified, and the purchase decision can be positively influenced.

Also Read: Why Is Email Marketing An Excellent Tool To Promote Business?

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