For some time now, the WhatsApp app has allowed all its users to send audio messages quickly and easily by directly using the button with the microphone icon. By holding down this particular button, you can record an audio note to send to friends, relatives, and colleagues to say everything that goes through your head. Voice notes have certainly benefited communication, especially those unable to write a text message. If you want to update your friend who lives on the other side of the world on your latest news without bothering him with a very long papyrus, sending an audio note is a valid alternative.
On the other hand, if you are on the other side and you have received a voice message, but you are having difficulty reproducing it, know that the operation in question is effortless. This article will explain how to listen to voice messages on WhatsApp. Ready? We have to get to the heart of this guide dedicated entirely to the sonorous world of WhatsApp voice messages, a world as loved as it is hated by those who punctually find themselves having to reproduce very long notes that never end. Make yourself comfortable and try to take a few minutes to read this article.
If you have an Android mobile device to listen to a voice message received, the steps to follow are elementary, We would say elementary.
Voice messages have become indispensable if you don’t want to write a papyrus but don’t have time to chat on the phone with the person concerned. You can choose to listen to them hands-free or if you prefer that those around you do not hear the content of the audio note received, bring the iOS device to your ear. To listen to a voice message received on WhatsApp, follow these quick steps:
The well-known Facebook-owned instant messaging app allows you to record and listen to short or long audio notes. Voice messages are indeed the new frontier of communication. More and more people prefer to send audio rather than write long and interminable messages. If you usually use WhatsApp directly from your computer for convenience and practicality, especially while in the office, know that playing voice messages from WhatsApp Web is very simple. Connect your phone and proceed as shown in the following lines.
In this guide, We have explained how to listen to voice messages on WhatsApp. In the different paragraphs, We have shown you the general steps to play a received audio note. Let’s face it. Audio messages are beneficial when we do not want to waste time writing, or we cannot do it in particular situations, such as walking or driving. However, We advise you not to abuse it. Sometimes, if you can, a chat on the phone is always better.
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